1.2 C
Cumartesi, Aralık 21, 2024

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Survey Leading into National Stress Awareness Month Reveals How Americans De-Stress

Most Americans Choose Distraction in the Form of TV, Movies, Socializing and Snacking When Confronted with Stressful Situations.

With April National Stress Awareness Month in full bloom, YouGov, a global public opinion and data company, conducted a survey on behalf of Lenny & Larry’s to determine the life events that Americans find the most stressful and how they cope with them. The goal of the survey was to identify how snacking fits into the different ways people handle stress and therefore how Lenny & Larry’s The Complete Crunchy Cookies fit into a spectrum of snacking choices. Based on finding that most Americans (58%) describe themselves as stressed from life events that increase their anxiety such as doing their taxes, unanticipated expenses, or asking someone out on a date, it’s not surprising that most turn to familiar coping mechanisms including watching TV/movies (51%), talking to family and friends (41%), and snacking (37%).

Snacking ranked among the top three ways of dealing with stress.  In the age of more conscious eating, the survey found that while Americans may crave sweet (62%), salty (48%), and crunchy (40%) snacks such as chocolate (63%), potato chips (58%), and cookies (55%) when stressed, a third of respondents wish there were more great-tasting healthy options.

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