8.5 C
Perşembe, Ocak 9, 2025


Turkish top chef: ‘I cannot imagine cooking without pulses’

Pulses – nutritious seeds for a sustainable future, published recently by FAO, introduces beans, lentils and other pulses and explores how they figure in the history and culture of different world regions.

US $30 billion to benefit farmers, strengthening Africa’s agriculture

Weiteithye Farmers Group in Mwala, Eastern Kenya, comprises about 100 small-scale farmers struggling with crop production, value addition and marketing of their produce.

Africa Food Prize

The head of the United Nations agency charged with eradicating rural poverty has been awarded the inaugural Africa Food Prize – and dedicated it to “the millions of African women who silently toil to feed their families.”

How Can We Improve Profit Margins in Agrifood Industry in Turkey?

I believe that every agrifood company must create a strategic growth plan, lead and improve their profit margins. The Turkish labour force is 28.8 million and 25% of this workforce works in agrifood sector. I know that Turkey has enormous opportunities in agriculture and food industry. It accounts for 7.1 percent of the country’s GDP. The sector’s financial contribution to the overall GDP increased 43 percent from 2002 to 2014, reaching USD 57.2 billion in 2014. Clearly, Turkey is one of the largest exporters of agricultural exports in the region and it has a USD 5 billion of trade surplus.

GMO Answers Celebrates World Water Week

In honor of this year's World Water Week 2016, "Water for Sustainable Growth," GMO Answers released a new infographic to educate consumers about how GMOs help conserve water usage in agriculture.

PepsiCo Exceeds Global Water Stewardship Goals

PepsiCo, Inc. today announced continued progress against the company's strategy to help protect and conserve global water supplies and provide people access to clean, safe water to communities around the world.

Sudan: Two UN agencies team up to help smallholder farmers, promote food security

Two United Nations agencies – the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the World Food Programme (WFP) – today agreed to strengthen their cooperation in Sudan to help smallholder farmers improve their production and thus promote food security.

Boko Haram violence in Lake Chad region leaves children displaced and trapped

Years of violence by Boko Haram in Africa’s Lake Chad basin have led to a worsening humanitarian crisis that has displaced 1.4 million children and left at least one million still trapped in hard-to-reach areas, UNICEF said in a report released today.

Best Practice Proposals for Food and Drink Innovation in Turkish AgriFood Industry!

As an agrifood industry supply chain and manufacturing operations expert and consultant, I visit, consult and support many companies. I see that many company owners want to develop and launch new food and drink products to the Turkish and global markets. Of course, this is an excellent way.

Don’t Frustrate Your Employees!

When I was in a company, I saw that they prepared a lot of documents with the rules and regulations that must be read and applied during the operations. They were complex. The top management had complaints about the people. I saw that they injected a mechanistic process, boredom and drudgery. I know that everything should be clear, open, practical and simple to apply.

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