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Cumartesi, Aralık 21, 2024


Leading Turkish dairy firm files for bankruptcy protection

Aynes Gıda, a prominent dairy company based in the western province of Denizli, has filed for bankruptcy protection due to the financial difficulties it is currently experiencing. In a statement to the Public Disclosure Platform (KAP) on Monday, the company...

Trade union: Turkey’s January exports decline by 14.4 percent

The volume of turkish exports slid by 14.4 percent year-on-year and stood at $9.21 billion in January, according to Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM) data.

Abracadabra and meatballs

Every child comes across this fun word when we are young and enjoys running around saying it while pretending they are performing a magical act. Probably at the circus or on television we learned the word commonly used as an...

Russian crisis to result in losses over $11 billion for Turkey

The economic effect of sanctions imposed on Turkish goods following Turkey's downing of a Russian plane in its airspace late last year is likely to surpass $11 billion this year, according to a report by the Turkish Social, Economic and Political...

Doing things differently

People who speak different languages do indeed think differently and have a different approach to life. Truly, language affects how we see the world. Anyone who has studied another language and spent time in the culture probably will have experienced...

10 environmental incidents that marked 2015

As we leave another year behind, let's keep alive the tradition of taking a look back at what has taken place in the past year. Alongside civil wars, violence, poverty, political instability, natural disasters and a refugee crisis, 2015 saw many environmental...

Homemade meals reduce risk of type 2 diabetes

Home-cooked meals make us healthier than eating out and reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, said a U.S. study Sunday. Those who ate 11 to 14 lunches or dinners a week -- or about two homemade meals each...

Son Haberler


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Nurettin Yüksel Kimdir? Profesyonel Besicilik ve Hayvancılık

Nurettin Yüksel Kimdir? Nurettin Yüksel, profesyonel hayvancılık alanında kendi yaptığı yem formülasyonları ile besicilikte önemli işlere imza atıyor.Besi hayvanlarının...

Air Anka Havayolları iş ilanları

İzmir merkezli kurulan hava kargo şirketi Air Anka Havayolları, pilot alımlarına başladı. Şirket, kaptan pilot, ikinci pilot, yükleme uzmanı...