-4.7 C
Cuma, Ocak 3, 2025


On the Road to Recovery

The margin outlook for the global poultry industry is gradually improving after challenging conditions in Q4 2015, notably significant oversupply, according to Rabobank's Poultry Quarterly Q1 2016. The main factors driving recovery are increasing demand, lower supply growth in key regions like the US, China, Thailand and Europe, and price support from recovering red meat markets.

El Niño set to have a devastating impact on southern Africa’s harvests and food security

Over the coming year, humanitarian partners should prepare for food insecurity levels and food insecure population numbers in southern Africa to be at their highest levels since the 2002-2003 food crisis, the United Nations agriculture agency warned today, citing an 'intense' drought as the main cause.

First-ever railway links Iran with China

The first test container train connecting China to Iran has arrived in Tehran, Fars news agency reported.

Flowering Zinnias on Space Station

Zinnia plants from the Veggie ground control experiment at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida were harvested Feb. 11 in the same way that crew member Scott Kelly will harvest the zinnias growing in the Veggie system aboard the...

Turkish exporters fear losses due to tighter visa procedures against Iraq

In the midst of already declining trade activity, however, the Turkish government last week tightened visa requirements for Iraqi nationals in order to fight illegal immigration, irking those who conduct business between the two countries.

Turkish student selected for research program at NASA

İlayda Şamilgil, who came first with her work for the “First Step to Nobel Prize in Physics” contest last year, has been selected to take part in a research program at NASA.

Bangladesh aims for $3 bln in trade with Turkey by 2020

Bangladesh is working towards a goal of $3 billion in bilateral trade with Turkey by 2020 by diversifying its trade items.

Zika virus vaccine would take “approximately 18 months”, WHO official

A top World Health Organization (WHO) official said that a Zika virus vaccine would take “approximately 18 months” before it can be launched into large scale trial to demonstrate efficacy.

Inflation near 10 percent threatens growth, deputy PM says

Inflation that is approaching 10 percent seriously threatens the growth potential of Turkey's economy, Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Şimşek said on Thursday, citing the dangers of weakness in the lira and climbing food prices.

PepsiCo Reports Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2015 Results

"We are happy to report that we met or exceeded every financial goal we set for 2015, demonstrating consistent performance in the face of volatile macros," said Chairman and CEO Indra Nooyi.

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